allows you to find and connect with your peers using a fun and intuitive visual interface
web-based software and srtartups overview
We want to give people the power to publish their music online and be able to share it with friends and family instantly
a place to share your voice and opinions about anyone including friends, family, peers, all the new people you are meeting online and anyone else who just plain matters to you.
Teracent is a next generation consumer product advertising network that uses learning-based matching, rather than content analysis, to determine popular product advertisements
Internet Salary Calculator
Broadcast Him.
Tom's Diner (german)
(a blog in beta)
Tungle is a light but powerful peer-to-peer meeting coordinator. You can use Tungle to arrange meetings with friends, co-workers or business associates no matter where they are or what calendaring software they use.
TwitThis is an easy way for people to send Twitter messages about your blog post or website.
ask questions, team up to find the best answers, and get unbiased results. Right now you can do this with videos from anywhere on the web.
twitter submitter
eWirt (german)
(map-mashup for restaurants)
sleeq (german)
sleeq ist eine mobile Community, die dir dabei hilft, deinen Freunden mitzuteilen, wo du gerade bist und zu erfahren wo deine Freunde sind.
(location based mobile social network)
Cheeef (spanish)
Cheeef es una aplicación para guardar y mantener organizadas todas tus recetas de cocina. Por ser web, las recetas estarán disponibles en todo momento y lugar.
(recipes sharing)
search and win
(Indyarocks is in private beta)
Get unlimited freedom of expression
Auto-completion of domain lookups
AudioDizer produces high quality, text-to-speech MP3 podcasts for every single article or story on your website.
claim your fame
ucinteriors (german)
...und wie lebst du?
(a lifestyle community)
a hosted website testing tool for small and medium size webdesign companies
This Original Signal Web 2.0 frontpage is a human filtered content website. It shows only the best Web 2.0 related articles from the best Web 2.0-blogs
(the new frontpage is in beta)
Sparkmeter is a politically focused social news website that allows its member community to evaluate the relative bias of news.
mamily (german)
Mamily ist der erste Treffpunkt für Mütter im Netz. Hier kannst du deine Fragen stellen, deine Erfahrungen weitergeben, deine Sorgen teilen dir ein eigenes Mütternetzwerk aufbauen.
(social network for moms)
a "citizens' compendium of everything," is an experimental new wiki project. The project, started by a founder of Wikipedia, aims to improve on that model by adding "gentle expert oversight" and requiring contributors to use their real names.
Pyro.TV allows you to select from a broad range of video channels naturally – just like choosing channels on your TV. Select video titles by genre, most popular, or search the TV channel library for exactly what you want.
Collect and provide feedback on documents, images, and more
globalzoo (german)
(coming soon)
globalzoo wird Deine neue Community rund um's Thema Reisen. Moderne, interaktive Features wecken das Reisefieber und machen das Kennenlernen von Gleichgesinnten und Reisepartnern super einfach
(travel community)
Frylance (french)
Site de recrutement des freelances de l'informatique
Asirra (Animal Species Image Recognition for Restricting Access) is a human interactive proof that asks users to identify photos of cats and dogs. It's powered by over two million photos from
Unleash your personal style, design and download the tile.
With Thrrum Visual Browser on your cameraphone, point your phone at the book, click, and the information you need is displayed right on your phone.
a user powered video billboard. The videos you watch here are submitted and voted on by the fuvoo community.